Hebrew Month of Kislev - November 25 - December 24, 2022

    12.02.22 | by Sandy Newman & DeeAnn Ward

    NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 24 2022

    Let your eyes go from the right to the left on our Kislev picture. You progress from the miracle Hanukkah menorah; to the miracle rainbow; to the miracle light-house (that's us); to the miracle of Benjamin shooting arrows in the dark and hitting the bullseye; to the miracle sword that cuts down the enemy; to the miracle army boots that march us into a war already won.

    We celebrate and participate in firstfruits as an important way to enter cycles of blessing - no matter what comes on our path.

    We are armed and ready with faith that shoots an arrow in the dark and hits the mark! That represents our words carrying an incredible accuracy. The potential of the unseen is released with words. In Genesis 1 when God said "let" He spoke to every force preventing light from being revealed.

    Darkness had a destiny then and now - to be transformed to light - with words.

    Apparently God is comfortable in the dark because He has a plan called "light." He easily moves in the dark as He focuses on what He wants to create. That's His method of operation. His MO. He focuses on what He wants to create and speaks. He didn't talk to stuff He could see ie the darkness. He spoke to the thing He wanted ie light. Why do we make this so hard. He didn't address the darkness. He addressed the light. He didn't talk about the obvious thing He could see.

    God knew it was time to initiate an eternal plan for the earth and the people that weren't even there yet. We are here now though and God wants us to co-create with Him...As He is so are we in this world.

    One of the key characteristics of Kislev is the power of our words.

    The intention of darkness is to keep us there. The culture of darkness creates an atmosphere of danger and says, don't move, don't rock the boat. Here's what we know about God in Genesis. He moves in the darkness and then He speaks. Right now there is an emphasis on our words. There is an emphasis on our voice. The prophetic revelation of this period of time right now could change everything. It did for God in the beginning.

    Right Now Declarations:

    • I govern what comes out of my mouth.

    • I establish the will of God through what I say.

    • I decree a thing and it is done.

    • I stop the enemy with my words.

    We leave you with this : when God has purposed for you to do something significant, expect the enemy to send out his special forces. That might be why your life has been so hard. Not because God is not with you, but because God is distinctively with you. His plan for your life is so intimidating and threatening to the devil that there's no way he's going to let you ascend to your purpose without opposition. But God!! When the enemy comes in like a flood, God raises up a standard against him. That standard, in part, is you and I establishing the will and purposes of God through what we say. Let there be light!

    We say the will of God trumps the will of the enemy. We cancel the potential of words to bring diversion to the plan of God in your life. We say victorious warriors win first, then go to war!

    If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us!

    Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward

    Please consider Destiny in your end of the year giving.
    We appreciate all who have generously sown into this ministry. 

    3 Ways to Give

    1. Mail: Destiny Ministries, PO Box 1081, Arkansas City, KS 67005
    2. Online: www.DestinyMinistries.com/donate